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Marketing Resources for Advisers

Empowering Advisers to Turn Their Expertise into Marketing Assets

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Guide 6: Financial Planner's Guide to Education Based Marketing Campaigns

Is your practice generating new client opportunities by marketing its expertise?

Guide 6 cover.png

Financial planners seeking new clients and Centres of Influence must compete on their expertise and experience. Education Based Marketing (also known as Content Marketing) is the on-line strategy for effectively demonstrating and communicating an adviser's value. This approach leverages the reach and influence of the Internet

Compete on your strengths. This marketing publishes content which demonstrates your knowledge, competencies and experience on topics relevant to target audiences of clients, referral sources and influencers.

Education Based Marketing (EBM) campaigns are an effective means of leveraging the unprecedented reach of the Internet.

AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY for purchase as a PDF download - to obtain a copy click here

Advisers must demonstrate and communicate their expertise and advice in a non-sales way. Education Based Marketing is an effective means of doing this. This Guide explains:

  • The principles and strategies for implementing Education Based Marketing campaigns
  • How to distribute content virally (without spamming)
  • Drip-feed Marketing campaigns
  • A questionnaire to determine how your practice can benefit from Education Based Marketing
  • The 6 key steps for Education Based Marketing (each step is a Chapter with a set of actions to implement)
  • EBM campaign Checklist
  • EBM project - template

This Guide is based on two decades of working “hands-on” with financial planners across Australia. It focuses on the key topics for ensuring advisers effectively communicate their expertise and advice based solutions.

To obtain a PDF copy immediately - click here