Marketing Resources for Advisers
Empowering Advisers to Turn Their Expertise into Marketing Assets
The Key Word in Social Media is 'Social'

Does your firm optimise its interaction with existing clients by using social media? Do advisers use 'social proof' as on-line endorsements? Is educational content
published on the networks to demonstrate the expertise of advisers? Is social media used as a cost effective means for marketing to target audiences?
Social media is a variety of platforms for firms to engage target audiences in multiple ways. The networks are avenues for messaging, providing updates,
networking, publishing educational content, advertising and conducting research. At a minimum, a firm and advisers must have an up-to-date presence featuring their positioning messages and
educational content on the networks used by target audiences.
The marketing strategy for social media is very specific and focused. It needs to be given the amount of 'clutter' on these networks. The focus is on clear
messaging, niche targeting, publishing educational content, building networks and influence, and engaging audiences.
Use social media marketing as a cost effective tool to achieve your marketing objectives. The PDF Module 8: Social Media Marketing for Advice - Available
October 18th 2020 from our Shopify store. |