Marketing Resources for Advisers
Empowering Advisers to Turn Their Expertise into Marketing Assets
Turn Your Expertise into a Powerful Set of Advice Items for Target Clients

Your Advice Model Statement makes the firm and advisers get specific on their specialist expertise, their advice based solutions, the specific clients they advise,
and their pricing.
This clarity is the foundation for all marketing. It makes advice tangible with the benefits provided, and details 4 of the 5 'P's in the marketing mix -
'Product' (advice and client experience), 'People' (target clients), 'Price' (fees), and 'Place' (distribution).
The Advice Model is a marketing asset and a powerful tool for ensuring the firm adheres to its competitive strengths with its advice. Module 4 discusses key
concepts such as making the benefits of advice tangible, and the approach to developing a proprietary advice process - key marketing initiatives.
For immediate delivery of the PDF download: Module 4 (July 2020 edition - 96 pages) click
Review your advice to focus on your advising strengths. |