Marketing Resources for Advisers
Empowering Advisers to Turn Their Expertise into Marketing Assets
Personal Branding Positions Advisers as Experts

The future success of advisers depends on them being effective communicators of their expertise and areas of specialisation. Being the go-to-expert for clients
needing specialist advice. Working with ideal clients and being recognised as an expert by clients, referral sources and influencers. This avoids on-line competition, trying to be all-things-to-all
people, and creates opportunities to generate higher fees.
Each adviser must have a personal branding strategy to take full advantage of the on-line client opportunities. It has never been easier for an adviser to reach
and engage prospective clients and referral sources.
The personal branding strategy uses strategies such as an dedicated marketing messages, Influencer Marketing, LinkedIn, authored content and networking. Applied
on-line, this provides unparrelled reach and opportunities.
Be positioned as an expert to take advantage of client opportunities and fully leverage your expertise. The PDF download - Module 6: Personal Branding for
Advisers - available August 31st 2020 from our Shopify store.